Area of expertise

Strategy development with a starting point in the future

In order for a business to be able to land in a well-prepared strategy, careful analysis, prioritization, planning and implementation are required. Here we describe overall how we approach the strategy work together with our customers:


  • Situation analysis and evaluation - We analyze and define the current situation of the company or business. We move from a brief retrospective and tendency/pattern analysis, via the current situation to an analysis of where we see the outside world going.


  • Goal formulation - We help customers define clear, measurable and realistic goals and objectives.
  • Choice of strategic direction - Together we identify different strategic alternatives to reach the set goals.
  • Resource allocation - We evaluate the chosen strategy from a resource allocation perspective and create a plan together.


  • Implementation We help the customer manage the possible changes that the strategic path choice entails.
  • Measurement and follow-upWe help the customer develop relevant key figures and performance follow-ups to follow progress towards the goals that have been set, as well as to be able to evaluate and adapt the strategy accordingly.
  • Communication and commitmentTogether, we create commitment and support for the strategy by involving stakeholders in an effective way.

It is important that the company strategy is flexible and adaptable to deal with dynamic and changing conditions. A successful strategy is not just a static plan, but an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring, evaluation and adjustment to ensure that the business continues to achieve its goals and remain competitive.

At Ekan Management, we not only have 40 years of experience in providing support in strategy development to companies as well as public organizations - our commitment also includes unique competence in agile business management. This means we have an integrated framework for agile working methods and agile management with agile financial management, agile data structure and agile leadership.