Ekan is among the first in the world accredited according to ICP-FIN
Today we can tell you that IC Agile has accredited Rikard Olsson and Knut Fahlén, senior management consultants at Ekan Management, as some of the first in the world authorized to certify in Agility in Finance according to ICP-FIN.
Agility in financial processes is a decisive factor in being able to realize truly agile operations - from strategic planning to the meeting with the customer.
Rikard Olsson:
- We have seen that many businesses that in recent years have implemented frameworks and principles for agile working methods have nevertheless not succeeded in breaking down the strong foundations of traditional governance - not least because of the difficulties in moving away from the budget as the primary governance instrument. Here, there has been a lack of insight into what agile financial management means and how to realize it.
How is it that Ekan is so far ahead in these matters?
- At Ekan Management, we have worked with agility in financial processes for almost 15 years through Beyond Budgeting and Dynamic control models. The principles that underlie Beyond Budgeting are designed based on an aspiration to manage an agile business. Some pioneering companies realized this already almost 50 years ago. What has happened in the last 20 years is that more companies and organizations see this need.
Ekan Management are representatives in Sweden, and are facilitators, for the international network Beyond Budgeting Roundtable where companies, public services and NGOs from all over the world share insights and experiences. As consultants, we help companies and operations around the world in various ways to develop their management models. Ekan also trains in Finance Agility together with Agile People.