See you on Stratsysdagarna!
Ekan Management has over 30 years of experience in developing and implementing new control and management models. We are exhibiting at Stratysdagarna 2018 to tell us more about how we help our customers, both public and private, to develop their governance and implement IT tools at right way. The event will be held at the Munich Brewery in Stockholm April 19-20. See program.
Ekan Management - Experience and innovative thinking
Proper use of IT systems for decision support and business management is the origin of Ekan Management's operations. For over 30 years, Ekan Management has helped clients in the public as well as the private sector with the development of new governance and management models. Today we are internationally driving within Management Innovation including as representative for Beyond Budgeting Institute in Sweden.
Make it happen
Successful implementation of IT systems for decision support and business management is based on an understanding of the tool and its application area. Do the IT systems support the control models and management processes that exist in the business, and do the users understand how the tools should be used?
In many cases, there is great potential in developing system use based on analysis of needs. It is also important to continuously challenge and develop their control model and management process and evaluate whether the IT tool is being used as intended. By identifying and working on these issues, businesses achieve tangible and lasting improvements.
Our on-site management consultants look forward to lots of interesting conversations about today's and tomorrow's governance and management models and how companies and organizations need to develop both working methods and IT tools to get there.
Well met on April 19-20!