Even more certified management consultants at Ekan Management
Ekan Management is today one of the companies in Sweden with the most CMC-certified consultants.
In March, Christian Maloney and Petra Lundgren were certified at Ekan Management as well as our associate consultant, Magnus Jonsson.
Well done and congratulations we say at Ekan Management!
At Ekan Management, we certify our senior consultants according to the international standard Certified Management Consultant (CMC). This is an important part of our quality work. In Sweden, certification is provided by the industry organization Sweden's Management Consultants (SAMC). By certification to CMC, it is ensured that the management consultant meets a high internationally established standard regarding professional skills, competence and ethics. This is an important quality stamp that benefits professional consultant buyers and their organizations. CMC is the key to increased security for the customer.
Read more about certification and ICMCI in the links below.