Stockholm home: Big steps towards business support drawing management
During the planning and construction phase, drawings and a lot of information is created about the property which is of great benefit to the management but which in many real estate companies is difficult to grasp with the current working methods. The real estate companies that manage to utilize this information create the conditions for cost-effective management planning, effective measures and reduced rework.
Drawings and associated technical information about a property form the basis for both costs and income during a building's life cycle. Better knowledge of surfaces and its potential use increases revenues and enables reduced costs.
- In order to counteract the slantry that is common in connection with drawing management in real estate companies, we conducted the Ekan review together with representatives from many different business areas within Stockholmshem, says Christoffer Mathiasson at Ekan Management who led the review.
- We now have a very good action plan in the short and long term where we have clear activities to work on to further lift us in the area and use our management information more efficiently. We can now control the work in drawing management according to our own conditions, since it is important to work systematically and not just rely on system support, says Allan Hansson, IT Manager at Stockholmshem.
Some results already after the review:
- New insights on drawing management and its importance as well as a broad anchoring in the various business areas
- A strategy and action plan with clear steps in concrete points on how Stockholmshem achieves a more efficient handover from projects to management, for example when managing management areas, object structures and technical information.
One of the more important insights was that the management of drawings and technical property information is much more than a matter of IT systems:
- The important thing is to find the balance between working methods, organization and systems. Together, these three factors enable quality assured and efficient drawing and information management in the administration.
- Large amounts of information must be handled, stored and updated, which means that clear processes are needed with routines for handover and division of responsibilities.
- Knowledge of drawings and understanding of how drawings can be used in different business processes is required, which means that the organization needs to work with the culture of handling drawings.
- The IT systems should support working methods and manage the information in a structured and secure manner and support formats for BIM.
- The fact that the work was carried out with broad involvement has meant that many employees understand the importance of the strategy. For example, several proposals for measures could be decided immediately and we now have an opportunity to implement the action plan, Allan Hansson adds.
By seeing drawings and associated information as a tool to use even more in everyday management work, the consequences are likely to be both revenue increase and cost reduction for Stockholm homes.