Modern Business Management - What and Why?
Malin Wennebro, responsible for business development at Ekan, presents the results of the survey "Tomorrow's Economy Function" conducted together with 166 Business Controllers during the autumn. Among other things, the results show that:
- The companies are demanding better support for proactive governance and management of the business
- Developed business and decision support is seen as a prerequisite for maintaining competitiveness
- Today's Business Controller wants to be a Business Partner, but the reality looks different
- The corporate culture and lack of time is perceived as the biggest obstacle to development
Christian Ax, Professor of Business Administration at the Gothenburg School of Economics, then presents new research findings from an ongoing study. From these, it appears that the corporate culture seems to play an important role in the management models and control tools adopted by the organization and when it occurs.
Time:December 8. We start with breakfast at 7:30 and end at 9:30.
Place:Volvo Hall, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Vasagatan 1