The budget - a cut for business development
In the latest issue of KvalitetsMagasinet, Knut Fahlén,
Economics doctor and management consultant at Ekan, to think about how we
leads and manages our organizations. Knut describes the budget as an outdated one
management tools out of step with today's business rhythm.
- Despite the rapid development of most technologies, one technology stands still and represents a major obstacle to innovation and development. This technology we call budget and it has almost 100 years on its neck.
The problem, says Knut, lies in trying to achieve everything in a single process.
- Instead, we must let forecasts be precisely forecasts, we must create goals and key figures that motivate employees to the best possible performance and allocate resources to what we know about reality today and not what we thought we knew yesterday.
You can find the article in its entirety via the link to the right.