Dynamic Management Stockholm
We at Ekan Management believe in jointly designing new approaches and methodologies for effective management of tomorrow's businesses. We live in a dynamic and exciting time. Not least when it comes to business management. Big and small changes in our environment place new demands on us. We need to be responsive and agile in order to quickly adapt and change course.
In this network we discuss various topics such as; Development of budget and forecasting processes, Trends and concepts in financial and business management, Experiences with different system suppliers, Employees and motivation, Goals and indicators.
We exchange thoughts and ideas in order to challenge common management models together. Our hope is to both inspire and inspire action.
Primary target group/participants:
CFO, Chief Financial Officer or Controller
Meetings per year:
3-4 pcs
New members:
Yes, please contact our facilitators
Network Facilitator:
Sanna Johansson and Elisabeth Novotny