Portfolio management for sustainable community development
We have all been in situations with new systems, new tasks and projects aimed at one or the other. It can be difficult to keep up with the world is changing and the pace of work is increasing just like the demands… How do we get control and accuracy to make sure that the business decisions we make are right? Ekan Management's Ann Palmér highlights the power of a well-functioning portfolio management.
We live in a constantly changing world. We cannot influence that. On the other hand, we can influence how we approach and analyze information to create preparedness for change or even control some changes. Turning external influence, change, analyzing and being the one to act and create change instead of being controlled can be the difference between success and setback.
But how do you create control and ensure that the business decisions are "right"? How do you know that this particular decision is in line with our goals and overall strategies? Portfolio management can be the solution and it works regardless of industry and type of business, private or public sector. Equity portfolio, project portfolio and product portfolio are basically the same; identify common denominators and act or steer strategically to achieve the greatest possible interchange. In other words, get as much as possible using available resources and in line with the organization's overall strategies and vision.
"Well, make money then ...?" anyone thinks. Well, making money can be one of the goals, but other value-adding effects can be set as goals. For example, to achieve something with minimal environmental impact, to make sure that all school children can swim or that our cities develop long-term, sustainable and with room for everyone. And using available resources means everything from money and raw materials to available contractors or internal staff.
And that's exactly what portfolio management means: Identifying which parameters affect our business both positively and negatively. To have control over all resources. To follow up and steer fact-based towards our goals with the strategies in the back.
If you, like me, like to talk about and / or work on breaking down strategies, optimizing portfolio management, deciding facts based maybe we can do it together and learn from each other! We at Ekan are currently particularly curious about how to develop decision-making, governance and leadership so that the organization can work towards achieving sustainable social development, where people, the city and infrastructure are developed in collaboration from a sustainable perspective on resource utilization and the environment.
Ekan management will be involved Position2030 around social development and digitalisation.
See you there ?!
At Ekan Management, we work daily and professionally to support and develop organizations in a time of constantly changing conditions. We contribute in business review, process analysis, management models, change management, digitization and portfolio management in real estate, social development and other industries. Welcome to get in touch!