Welcome to Beyond Budgeting
For 15 years, companies and organizations from all over the world have come together with a common effort to design planning and decision-making processes that are in line with reality. A reality that involves ever-increasing complexity, unpredictability and rapidity. As of this year, Ekan Management is the official partner of the Beyond Budgeting Institute (BBI). During the winter, we therefore invite information and inspiration meetings on site in Gothenburg and Stockholm.
At these meetings, we tell you more about what Beyond Budgeting is about, showcase success examples, and inform about the benefits and opportunities for you to join the network. Either as an individual member or through a corporate membership.
The information meetings will be held at Ekan Management's offices in Gothenburg and Stockholm. Participation is free of charge and we offer drinks and snacks.
For those who have questions before, or are unable to attend, contact Knut Fahlén on 031-761 60 10 or knut.fahlen@ekan.com.
Welcome to your application!