Analog work for a digitalized urban and infrastructural development

Digitalization is a term that we use frequently nowadays, but what do we really mean? There is no clear definition of digitalization that is fully feasible in all industries and businesses, but it is often the digital transformation that is intended. No matter how we define digitalization, the question we should ask ourselves is:

“How will we work with urban development in the future? What do we want to achieve? Cool digital solutions or systematic and sustainable ways of working? "

I would like to argue that digitalization is a form of business development and that we should approach it that way, not as an IT mission, but with scientifically proven change management as a driving force and with subsequent implementation projects in, for example, process development, leadership training or system implementation.

With a society that demands faster, and more accurate, analyzes and decisions, we must consider how to find the necessary connections, constraints and synergies effectively. As a whole, not per project phase or property owner! Digital systems are invaluable tools for identifying deviations & trends or for summing and filtering, but it is necessary that the system is set up with the right models and conditions for us to get the information we expect. That is to say analog work for a digitalized urban and infrastructural development process.

For a number of years we have been talking about coordination, but now it is time to take the difficult questions seriously! If we do not dare to turn around the issues, define new business models or think about the next year-end, we will never achieve anything close to sustainability. I believe that the key issues for long-term and sustainable urban and infrastructural development are to a large extent in analog values. That is, how we work, collaborate and structure our organizations, municipal administrations and projects.

To take a step forward in the development of the cities of the future, national guidelines on coordination, new business models with long-term incentives and a significant increase in understanding for all actors in urban development, the construction process and among the authorities are needed. In other words, traditional business development and change management. And there are no shortcuts with the help of systems or digital solutions, on the contrary, the infinite possibilities of IT development can lead the real estate industry in the wrong direction. The Swedish parliament needs to point out the direction and we must begin to coordinate seriously, not just exchange information but refine, and move forward together. Thereafter, the large digital transformation can be carried out.

I would love to hear your opinions and creative solutions on how we achieve the future of urban and infrastructural development!

I will devote all my time and energy during the Almedals week to become inspired and informed about this. And then, in the fall, I will initiate activities with my colleagues at Ekan who take us one step closer to the strategies, methods and tools that contribute to the development of the cities and communities of the future.

Would you like to discuss this topic with me further? Fill in form here and I'll contact you soon!

Ann Palmér

070-600 85 21