Strengthened competence in eHealth
Ekan Management has been working with for over a year Stockholm County Medical Area, Karolinska University Hospital, Danderyds hospital, St Erik's eye hospital, also south Hospital to evaluate the ESF project eHealth Health, which has been granted support from European Social Fund (ESF).
The project aims to develop the employees' competence regarding eHealth, a work done through employee-led dialogue seminars in a network model with cross-professional groups within the business. Ekan Management is responsible for continuously evaluating the project throughout the project period in order to support the project to achieve the set project goals.
Now the first phase of the project is completed and Ekan Management presented the evaluation results to approximately 350 managers, development managers and process supervisors. Approximately 1100 dialogue seminars have been conducted and the employees who have participated in the seminars experience a clearly increased competence regarding eHealth. After completing a dialogue seminar, the majority of participants knew the meaning of the concept of eHealth, they felt that it was easier to use the tools around eHealth and that the new knowledge they gained during the seminar was relevant and useful in their everyday lives.
The project is divided into three phases and runs until the end of 2018. Anna Segerberg, one of three consultants in Ekan Management's evaluation team says:
– It is with great pleasure that we note that the project has produced concrete results in the form of increased competence within eHealth among the employees. We are very much looking forward to continuing the work together with the eHealth Health and the ESF Council.