Estimated web lecture on the non-budget forecast
May 15 carried out Ekan a much appreciated web lecture together with one of Sweden's largest real estate companies, Akademiska Hus. More than 100 people had reported interest in listening to Group Controller Andreas Trolläng and Regional Controller Lena Liljefors talk about how they have developed their forecasting process.
As of autumn 2012, the organization no longer takes any budget. The new way of producing the forecast is an important piece of the puzzle in the new way of working and means that the forecast can largely be created with a simple push of a button. The purpose of the forecast is today to serve as a basis for discussion and decision on re-prioritization and measures ahead to reach set goals, and not as a facet to deal with deviation in retrospect.
Development of goal management, including with the support of a company-wide key figures bank, is an important prerequisite that Lena and Andreas highlight. The third puzzle piece in the new way of working includes forms of decision-making about resources now that there is no longer a budget to stick to.
For those who missed the lecture there is now the opportunity to take part in this
afterwards on the organizer's website, Follow the link below.
Web Lecture: When the forecast may be a forecast - and not an updated budget